Bengal tiger camouflaged among dry leaves in natural habitat at Corbett National Park, India.


Welcome to Wild India Safari, your gateway to the untamed wilderness of India. We are passionate about showcasing the breathtaking beauty of India’s wildlife through our meticulously crafted safari experiences. Our mission is to offer unparalleled adventures that not only thrill but also foster a deep connection with nature.

Our Vision and Mission

At Wild India Safari, our mission is simple yet profound: to inspire a love for wildlife and nature through responsible tourism. We envision a world where every traveler who embarks on a journey with us returns home with a renewed respect for the environment and a heart full of unforgettable memories.

The Birth of Wild India Safari

Wild India Safari was born out of a shared passion for the natural world. Our journey began with a dream to bring people closer to the majestic creatures that roam India’s forests. Our Taagline Connecting Humans with Nature and Wildlife.

The idea for Wild India Safari was sparked by our founders’ countless adventures in India’s national parks. The awe-inspiring sight of a Bengal tiger, the symphony of birds at dawn, and the tranquility of the wilderness fueled our desire to create an avenue for others to experience these wonders.

our team

Our team is the backbone of Wild India Safari, a group of dedicated professionals who live and breathe wildlife.

Safari Guides and Naturalists

Our guides are not just experts in wildlife; they are storytellers who bring the jungle to life with their tales and insights. Each guide is trained to prioritize both your safety and the welfare of the animals.

Support Staff

Behind the scenes, our support staff works tirelessly to ensure every aspect of your safari runs smoothly, from logistics to hospitality.

Explore Our Safari

At Wild India Safari, we offer a variety of safari experiences tailored to meet the diverse interests of our guests.

Tiger Safaris

Our tiger safaris are our flagship experiences, designed to maximize your chances of spotting the elusive Bengal tiger in its natural habitat.

Bird Watching Tours

For bird enthusiasts, our bird-watching tours provide an opportunity to observe some of India’s rarest and most beautiful avian species.

Nature Walks

Experience the serenity of the wilderness on our guided nature walks, where you can immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the forest.

Why Choose Wild India Safari?

Choosing Wild India Safari means choosing an responsible wildlife experience.

Ethical Wildlife Tourism

We are committed to ethical tourism practices that ensure the well-being of the wildlife and the preservation of their habitats.

Customized Safari Experiences

Every safari with us is customizable to suit your preferences, whether you’re a photographer, a nature lover, or an adventure seeker.

Commitment to Conservation

We actively participate in conservation efforts and work closely with local communities to protect the delicate ecosystems we explore.

Ready to Join Us?

If you’re ready to embark on a journey into the wild, booking your safari with us is simple.

Booking Your Safari

Visit our website or contact our team to customize your safari experience. We offer flexible booking options and are here to assist you every step of the way.



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